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What Are the Zero Tolerance/Underage Drinking Laws in Illinois?
As teenagers and young adults experience the freedom of having a driver’s license, many find themselves in situations that involve drinking and driving. For individuals under the age of 21, being convicted of a DUI can lead to very serious consequences, including criminal penalties and the loss of driving privileges. If you or your child find yourself in this situation, it is important to discuss your case with a skilled DUI defense lawyer. Fluent in English and Spanish, Attorney Patricia Magaña has over 15 years of legal experience helping clients minimize or eliminate the negative consequences of a DUI charge.
Zero Tolerance Law
In the state of Illinois, individuals of all ages may be charged with a DUI. If a driver under the age of 21 is found with alcohol in his or her system, he or she is subject to lose their right to operate a motor vehicle. Upon a police stop, if the officer has reason to believe that the motorist has any trace of alcohol in their system, that officer has the right to request a chemical test. After the test is administered, the officer must submit a sworn statement to the Secretary of State’s office, which will then lead to the suspension of the motorist’s license. If the motorist refuses to submit to testing, his or her driving privileges will be suspended.
What Are the Financial Penalties for Overweight Trucks in Illinois?
Trucking weight restrictions were established throughout the United States in order to preserve our roads and promote safety. Trucks and vehicles that are carrying excess amounts of weight can damage streets and highways, creating safety hazards for other motorists. In the state of Illinois, if a police officer has reason to believe that a truck is overweight, he or she can require the driver to stop the vehicle and submit to a weighing. If it is determined that your vehicle is in violation, serious financial penalties may result. If you are a CDL holder who has been cited for a weight restriction, Attorney Patricia Magaña is prepared to help. Fluent in English and Spanish, Attorney Magaña has more than 15 years of experience helping commercial drivers contest violations.
Financial Penalties for Trucking Weight Violations
In Illinois, a commercial truck driver may face weight restriction violations if:
Can My Driver’s License be Suspended or Revoked in Illinois for Fraud?
Being accused of identity fraud can be a very frightening experience. In the state of Illinois, individuals who are facing fraudulent ID charges may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances of their case. Regardless if a conviction is made, however, the Secretary of State does have the authority to suspend or revoke your driver’s license. If you have lost your driving privileges due to ID fraud charges, it is important to discuss your legal needs with a skilled attorney as soon as possible.
Actions That Can Lead to a Suspended or Revoked License
In Illinois, the Secretary of State is eligible to suspend or revoke an individual’s driver’s license if her or she:
- Has lent his or her driver’s license or identification card to another person for fraudulent purposes
- Is in possession of and/or is attempting to use another person’s driver’s license or identification card
What Is the Lookback Period for DUIs in Illinois?
If you are convicted of driving under the influence in Illinois, a number of factors will determine the sentence you serve. One of the biggest factors the court will consider is your criminal history and whether you have previous DUIs on your record. If you do have previous DUI convictions on your records, the court may consider how long it has been between convictions.
Many states place a lookback period on DUI cases and that timeframe is typically five to ten years. If a conviction occurred before the lookback period, the courts cannot consider it. After being charged with a DUI, you may wonder if Illinois has a lookback period if you have prior convictions. Unfortunately, Illinois does not have such a law on the books.
Prior DUI Convictions Matter in Illinois
Due to the fact that Illinois does not have a lookback period for DUIs, any prior conviction of a DUI can be considered when a judge is determining a sentence for a subsequent offense. DUI convictions, like all traffic violation convictions, are also permanent, which means the prosecution can seek a harsher penalty for you even if your last DUI was over ten years ago.
FAQs About CDL Violations
A commercial driver’s license (CDL) is not just your license to drive. It is a way to earn an income to support yourself and your family. As a commercial driver, you must follow all of the same traffic laws as other drivers, but you are also regulated by other state and federal laws. It is not surprising then, to have many questions when you are accused of violating these laws. If you carry a CDL, below are some of the most frequently asked questions about CDL violations and the answers to them.
Is Court Supervision Available for CDL Violations?
When non-commercial drivers face traffic violations, court supervision is often a better alternative than a conviction. However, CDL holders should never undergo court supervision. The Illinois Secretary of State treats court supervision for CDL drivers as though it was a conviction, so it will not help you avoid suspension of your CDL or disqualification. Even if you were in your own vehicle at the time of the offense, court supervision will still appear on your public driving record.
How Traffic Tickets Can Lead to a Driver’s License Suspension in Illinois
Motorists tend to associate driver’s license suspensions and revocations with drunk driving offenses, and it does seem logical that such a harsh penalty would result from a serious traffic violation. However, the Illinois Secretary of State (IL-SOS) provides for many other ways you might lose your driving privileges. Generally, when you get a traffic citation, points are added to your driving record. If you reach a certain level, IL-SOS will suspend your driver’s license for a number of months that corresponds to the total points you accumulated.
Still, this basic description overlooks some of the very important details involved when moving or non-moving violations impact your driving privileges. You can obtain these specifics by consulting with an Aurora, IL traffic tickets attorney, but it is worthwhile to be aware of how traffic tickets can lead to a driver’s license suspension.
Traffic Violations and Illinois’ Points System
Three Things You Did Not Know About a First-Time DUI Offense in Illinois
If you were arrested on drunk driving charges for the first time in Illinois, it is essential to get up to speed right away on what to expect through the proceedings. Initially, you should understand that state laws are quite expansive on when a person is considered to be driving under the influence: Illinois’ DUI statute covers situations when a driver is legally drunk, impaired by the consumption of drugs, or a combination of the two. In addition, now that marijuana is legal for recreational purposes, the law was recently updated to include motorists who test positive for THC within two hours of driving.
However, beyond these basic concepts, there is probably a lot you do not know about a first offense for drunk driving. You can trust the details to an experienced Naperville first DUI defense lawyer, but there are a few things you may not yet know about the situation you are facing.
Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Is Not the Only Factor
Four Reasons to Hire a DUI Defense Lawyer for an Illinois Drunk Driving Case
The Illinois Secretary of State’s office recently released its 2021 DUI Fact Book and, though the figures from last year have yet to be tallied, there are some surprising statistics on drunk driving offenses in 2019. More than 26,200 people were arrested for DUI, 90 percent of whom lost their driving privileges as a result of an administrative suspension or revocation. Plus, many others were convicted for drunk driving through the criminal process. Though the details vary, penalties include a jail term of up to one year, fines, and others.
Another interesting statistic revealed by the Fact Book is that 86 percent of all individuals arrested for drunk driving are first-time offenders. Therefore, there is a good chance that you never had reason to retain legal counsel – and may not believe that it is even necessary. If you are on the fence about hiring an experienced DUI defense attorney, these four reasons should convince you.
What Is the Difference Between Formal and Informal DUI Hearings in Illinois?
There are many reasons a person might have their driver’s license suspended or revoked in Illinois, such as for DUI, accumulating points on your driving record, or being cited for specific traffic offenses. Because losing your driving privileges is an administrative matter, your case will proceed according to a very specific process: A formal or informal administrative hearing before the Illinois Secretary of State. The two proceedings are distinct and apply in different situations, the nature of which depends upon the traffic violation, your driving record, and many other factors.
The details involved with either type of proceeding are extremely complex, yet they can have very profound implications for your driver’s license. Therefore, it is wise to trust a Secretary of State hearings lawyer to represent you and protect your interests. You can also read on for some basics in comparing formal and informal administrative hearings in Illinois.
Four Quick Facts About Reinstating Your License After an Illinois DUI
Illinois DUI laws are tough, imposing severe penalties that aim to discourage drunk driving and protect public safety. One of the harshest – and most common – forms of punishment is a driver’s license suspension or revocation. Statistics from the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office reveal that 90 percent of all motorists arrested for DUI will lose their driving privileges. The personal and professional implications can be extensive, so you will want to get your license back as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately, the driver’s license reinstatement process can be extremely complex. You could struggle for months trying to decipher the complicated statutes and court proceedings, during which time you are unable to get around. Therefore, it is critical to retain an Aurora driver's license reinstatement lawyer for legal help. You might also benefit from reviewing a few facts about reinstating your driving privileges after an Illinois DUI.