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The Impact of Underage Drinking

 Posted on July 28, 2020 in Juvenile

IL DUI lawyerEvery single year, hundreds of teens throughout the state of Illinois are arrested and charged with consuming alcohol as a minor. Due to the inherent risks that teenage alcohol consumption can have, such as alcohol poisoning and binge drinking, the potential legal consequences of a minor in possession charge can be extreme. Below we will examine some of the legal ramifications of teenage drinking, and how you should respond if your child has been charged with an underage drinking-related criminal offense.

The True Cost of Underage Drinking

When the vast majority of people think of underage drinking charges, they assume that the charges will likely lead to a slap on the wrist, the reality is that underage drinking charges can potentially jeopardize your child’s future. According to Illinois state law, possession, consumption, or purchase of alcohol by a minor (anyone below the legal drinking age of 21) constitutes a Class A misdemeanor charge, fines up to $2,500, and potentially significant jail-time. It is worth noting that a charge involving fraudulent identification or the act of impersonating another person in order to purchase or consume alcohol can result in felony charges. Whether your child has been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, a criminal conviction of this magnitude can impact their educational and occupational opportunities.

When it comes to drinking and driving, minors face increasingly strict state laws. Due to Illinois’ Zero Tolerance policy, a teenage driver can face a three-month driving suspension simply for having a blood alcohol content over 0.00. If the teen refuses chemical testing, such as a breathalyzer test, they will face an automatic six-month suspension. Much like an adult, if a teen is charged with a DUI, they will face Class A misdemeanor charges. The significant difference in the charge is the fact that a teenage driver will face a two-year license revocation period if convicted.

Contact a Naperville Underage Drinking Attorney

Every parent wants to protect their child, and that does not change when their child makes a mistake. Fortunately, Attorney Patricia Magaña is dedicated to helping her clients fight against serious convictions. Through strong defense strategies, Attorney Magaña will do everything in her power to ensure that your child is not convicted of an underage drinking charge. To schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable DuPage County criminal defense attorney, call us today at 630-448-2001.



<href="#:~:text=Illinois%20law%20prohibits%20the%20consumption,to%20a%20minimum%20%24500.00%20fine" >https://www2.illinois.gov/ilcc/Education/Pages/Under21Laws.aspx#:~:text=Illinois%20law%20prohibits%20the%20consumption,to%20a%20minimum%20%24500.00%20fine

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Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC

1555 Bond Street, Suite 103A, Naperville, IL 60563

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